
Search Results

  • 1. [Image] Gerber Dam
    KP-2213-R2 - Klamath Project, Gerber Dam. View showing spalled condition of walkway on right abutment of dam. This is one season's accumulation of spall. California Projects; July 14, 1953; Photo by Donald ...
  • 3075
    KP-2215-R2 - Klamath Project, Gerber Dam. Downstream face of spillway showing leaks from construction joints and water flowing along downstream face of dam. California Projects; July 14, 1953; Photo by ...
  • 3. [Image] Clear Lake Dam
    KP-2218-R2 - Klamath Project, Clear Lake Dam. View of upstream face of dam. California Projects; July 15, 1953; Photo by Donald M. Westphal
  • 4. [Image] Clear Lake Dam
    KP-2219-R2 - Klamath Project, Clear Lake Dam. General view of downstream face of the dam. California Projects; July 15, 1953; Photo by Donald M. Westphal
  • 3087
    KP-2226-R2 - Klamath Project, Lower Lost River Diversion Dam. Downstream view of Dam. Utility house at left seems to have served its purpose. California Projects; July 15, 1953; Photo by Donald M. West...
  • 3090
    KP-2229-R2 - Klamath Project, Miller Creek Diversion Dam. View of downstream face of dam. Note weathered concrete in canal intake structure wall. California Projects; July 14, 1953; Photo by Donald M. ...
  • 3076
    KP-2216-R2 - Klamath Project, Gerber Dam. View of left closure slot showing condition of concrete. California Projects; July 14, 1953; Photo by Donald M. Westphal
  • 3077
    KP-2217-R2 - Klamath Project, Malone Diversion Dam. View of downstream face of radial gates. Note disintegrated condition of concrete near bottom of retaining wall and separation of concrete in right wing ...
  • 9. [Image] Clear Lake Dam
    KP-2220-R2 - Klamath Project, Clear Lake Dam. Spillway and gatetender's quarters. Metal building at left houses the stop logs for the spillway. California Projects; July 15, 1953; Photo by Donald M. We...
  • 3081
    KP-2221-R2 - Klamath Project, Clear Lake Dam. Outlet gates are satisfactorily operated with a 42-inch ratchet wrench which was provided in lieu of the recommended 5-foot dia. spoked handwheel. California ...