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  • Nearly a billion people in the world drink dirty water. Two billion don't have a sanitary toilet. Three billion use campfires every day. Governments and charities spend billions of dollars every year to ...
  • Global poverty reduction efforts value monitoring and evaluation, but often struggle to translate lessons learned from one intervention into practical application in another intervention. Commonly, data ...
  • Background: In an effort to reduce the disease burden in rural Rwanda, decrease poverty associated with expenditures for fuel, and minimize the environmental impact on forests and greenhouse gases from ...
  • Background: In Rwanda, pneumonia and diarrhea are the first and second leading causes of death, respectively, among children under five. Household air pollution (HAP) resultant from cooking indoors with ...
  • In rural sub-Saharan Africa, where handpumps are common, 10–67% are nonfunctional at any one time, and many never get repaired. Increased reliability requires improved monitoring and responsiveness of ...
  • Diarrhea and respiratory infections remain the biggest killers of children under 5 years in developing countries. We conducted a 5-month household randomised controlled trial among 566 households in rural ...
  • Background: In environmental health interventions addressing water and indoor air quality, multiple determinants contribute to adoption. These may include technology selection, technology distribution ...