
Search Results

  • 3938
    P12-200-2927NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Conveyor belt used to move cinders from dump truck to the hopper unit; November 1972; Bureau of Reclamation photo by D. W. Stein
  • 3940
    P12-200-2929NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of small crawler tractor being used to backfill the open trench. Excavated earth, windrowed along the open trench, provides the material needed ...
  • 3947
    P12-200-2936NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of a workman using a whacker to obtain the required compaction at the outlet end of the drain line; December 1972; Bureau of Reclamation photo ...
  • 3957
    P12-200-2945NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Laser Beam Receiving Unit shown attached to trenching machine; December 1972; Bureau of Reclamation photo by D. W. Stein
  • 3958
    P12-200-2946NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of Laser Beam Receiving Unit mounted on trencher. Note that the control panel for receiver unit is mounted to the left of controls for trencher; ...
  • 4757
    CN-12-201-209NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. The outlet ends of the closed drains were filled and compacted by hand. Note marker post being positioned by workman; November 1972; Bureau of Reclamation ...
  • 4083
    P-12-200-3070NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of 4" line and cinders being installed in closed drain #18-2; January 1975; USBR photo by D. W. Stein
  • 4087
    P-12-200-3074NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Compacting earth material with a wacker compactor around the solid pipe outlet on line #19-1; January 1975; USBR photo by D. W. Stein
  • 4088
    P-12-200-3075NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Compacting earth material with a wacker compactor around the solid pipe outlet on line #19-1; January 1975; USBR photo by D. W. Stein
  • 4091
    P-12-200-3078NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of Mr. Patterson, Contractor, with Laser receiver rod determining height of the Laser command post, so cut grade can be determined to set automatic ...