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Southern Oregon Historical Society
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101. [Image] Steam donkey
Steam donkey on skids with operator at left side; cable extends off right of photo; two women observing on right; logs stacked in backgroundCitation -
102. [Image] Steam donkey
Steam donkey with five men in woods; 'Fruit Growers Supply Co.' on front of photoCitation -
103. [Image] Loggers felling tree
Men watching cut tree fallCitation -
104. [Image] Man and woman with fish and poles
Man and woman posing with fishing poles and multiple trout bunched on sticks, man holding bamboo poleCitation -
105. [Image] Fishing in the Rogue River
Man standing in shallow water of river, arm and fishing pole extended, heavily forested banksCitation -
106. [Image] Man and woman with fish and poles
Man and woman posing with fishing poles and multiple trout strung on horizontal bamboo pole, shown standing in front yard of residential neighborhoodCitation -
107. [Image] Duck shoot at Klamath Indian Reservation
Reservation Superintendent H.G. Wilson, W.J. Barclay, Dr. Guittard with rifles and dog, geese strung on poleCitation -
108. [Image] Hunters on log
Abe Kromling and Mace Van Gorgen with rifles sitting on logCitation -
109. [Image] Fishermen with catch
Bert Rippey, Floyd Rippey, George C. Davis with catch of fish strung on pole; Rippy's Camp on Rogue RiverCitation -
110. [Image] Woman shooting rifle
Two women, one target shooting or hunting; Note on back of photo: 'from Hodges family of Gold Hill, ca. 1915'Citation