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  • Millions of people travel each year whether it is for business or pleasure. No matter what the purpose for their trip is, they have the same worry as they leave for the airport—will my luggage exceed the ...
  • Over the past few years, major IT and non-It companies have increasingly adopted open source software (OSS). OSS is developed by organized communities of interested parties and sometimes by major software ...
  • On January 11, 2012 The ETM Communications and Team Building 522/622 class began. After initial introduction of the course, Dr. Dryden instructed class members to form teams of 4 to 6 people that would ...
  • Participating in a design project that leads to a creative new solution is an excellent way to develop new skills by experiencing the design process first hand. The problem presented during the first class ...
  • Scheduling employee’s staff is a crucial part of the operations of any organization. The organization must be efficiently schedule the staff to meet the continuous and potentially changing business demands. ...
  • As time goes by, the idea of having unlimited energy resources becomes less and less feasible. The population of our world and the rate of consumption of resources increase each year. The future has us ...