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  • The Development of Self Confidence Brief highlights the ways that participation in a digital literacy acquisition program improved learners’ self-confidence and attitudes towards technology. The Research ...
  • Public libraries provide digital literacy programming to support the needs of individuals in their communities. However, structuring a program that serves learners with varying skills, goals, and interests ...
  • In this column, the authors discuss emerging research in the field of adult digital literacy acquisition. The authors argue that the field of adult digital literacy acquisition has been under researched, ...
  • This case study describes how one library, in its role as a community anchor institution, served to connect people through volunteerism to the community through the digital literacy acquisition program. ...
  • This case study investigates the digital literacy acquisition process for learners within a corrections setting. The digital literacy program was part of the reentry program available to some individuals ...
  • Access to everyday activities has increasingly moved online, which increases the risk of continued marginalization for those lacking access and digital knowledge. Our research focuses on the digital literacy ...
  • For many, developing digital literacy requires overcoming a variety of barriers beyond access to a networked computer. Particularly among underserved populations, structure and support are needed to build ...
  • This case study investigates the experience of digital literacy acquisition among adult job seekers, offering an overview of the various lab settings accessed by job-seeking learners, as well as the different ...