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  • Life cycle delays are beneficial for opportunistic species encountering suboptimal environments. Many animals display a programmed arrest of development (diapause) at some stage(s) of their development, ...
  • Background: Genotype and environment can interact during development to produce novel adaptive traits that support life in extreme conditions. The development of the annual killifsh Austrofundulus limnaeus ...
  • Annual killifishes exhibit a number of unique life history characters including the occurrence of embryonic diapause, unique cell movements associated with dispersion and subsequent reaggregation of the ...
  • The annual killifish, Austrofundulus limnaeus, is capable of entering into a state of metabolic and developmental dormancy during embryogenesis termed diapause. However, individuals may also follow an ...
  • Mitochondria are critical sensors of oxygen and play a major role in the regulation of the cellular response to oxygen deprivation. Understanding mitochondrial function during transitions into and out ...
  • This is chapter 1 from Anoxia -- This book reviews how severe oxygen deprivation affects biological systems - from the molecular to the ecological level. The contributing authors come from diverse regions ...
  • Small noncoding RNAs (sncRNA) have recently emerged as specific and rapid regulators of gene expression, involved in a myriad of cellular and organismal processes. MicroRNAs, a class of sncRNAs, are differentially ...