
Search Results

  • 5017
    CN-12-201-472NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Note condition of growth - excellent for wildlife cover and erosion control; August 7, 1974; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5108
    CN-12-201-569NA Klamath Project - California. Water ponds late in the spring, making it difficult to farm until late. Drain badly silted up; May 1975; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5110
    CN-12-201-568NA Klamath. Project - California. Drain needs cleaning and is causing salinity buildup on Lot No. 7; May 14, 1975; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5111
    CN-12-201-571NA Klamath Project – California. Also, showing burned area, where considerable wildlife habitat was destroyed by careless burning; May 1975; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5159
    CN-12-201-622NA Klamath Project - Oregon. Looking north along east side of Lot #19; October 1975; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5163
    CN-12-201-624NA Klamath Project - Oregon. Looking north along east side of Lot #19; October 1975; USBR photo by J. W. Legg
  • 5171
    CN-12-201-633NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Photo taken on southwest corner of Lot #82, showing need of drain pipe to prevent erosion from low side of lease where water is pounding; April 1976; ...